Life’s Little Distractions

It’s funny how much of our lives is consumed by the little distractions in our lives. Just think about how much of your time is consumed by things like television, social media, cellphone usage, Netflix binging, etc. These things, which are mere forms of entertainment, consume massive amounts of our time and energy. This time and energy could be used to do something productive, fulfilling, creative, and ambitious. Can you imagine how much you could get done, how many books you could read, how many hobbies you could take up, how many instruments could you learn to play, etc if you were willing yo shut off these forms of distraction and place your energy and focus on something else. It makes me wonder why, we as a society, allow ourselves to be sucked into these forms of entertainment, or distraction. We only have a finite amount of time on this earth but we allow our time and our potential to be sapped by these distractions. Are we, as a human race, limiting our potential. Most of the brightest minds alive advocate for people to read more. Some of these people read hundreds of books per year. But most of us limit our growth, potential, and creativity by not creating the conditions for these to take place. Why do we choose the path of limited growth when we have the capability and ability to become much more than we are? I wonder how we can change people’s perceptions, beliefs, and mindsets? Could this problem be a consequence of our educational system? Are we destroying people’s willingness or love of learning through our Ed. System? Are we creating life long learners or people lacking the drive to learn and grow on their own? It’s something to ponder but think of the possibilities if everyone reached their true potential in our world.

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